Scrap the fixed mindset!

Issue 19

In this weeks Donnelly Mindset, we’ll be discussing the downsides of having a fixed mindset and why we should work towards being open minded.

Fixed mindset.

Firstly, why do you think a lot of us get into a position of having a fixed mindset?

I’m a big believer that our environment has a lot to do with this and who you surround yourself with could be the reason that you have a fixed mindset.

This can be changed.

With the use of the internet and social media your’e able to find a community in which you can fit in and find all the support needed to build your first business or social media following.

Surround yourself with winners and people who are more growth mindset orientated. You’ll learn more from them as they understand with practice and effort any skill can be learned.

They will be much more positive towards your ideas and will not shut you down as they’ve been in a similar position and understand it isn’t always easy getting your first business off the ground.

Secondly our parents behaviour can be the next factor that can lead us to picking up some traits of a fixed mindset.

Growing up we learn from our parents and I can safely say they done a good job raising me but I definitely picked up some bad habits when it comes to a fixed mindset.

I have studied and worked hard over the last few years to make changes to the way i think and to remain positive and being more open to taking on new challenges. Im definitely shifting away from the fixed mindset to a growth mindset.

My last point is to avoid having a fixed mindset because you’ll limit yourself with opportunities as you may think you can’t improve your skillset.

When in fact, if you believe in something and you want it bad enough, you can achieve any goal you set your mind too.

Start pushing yourself towards a growth mindset and being open minded. You’ll have many more opportunities available to you.

Traits of a fixed mindset

  • Threatened by others success.

  • Believe intelligence talent are static.

  • Avoid new challenges to avoid failure.

  • Ignore feedback.

  • Hide imperfections to not be judged by others.

Thanks for reading, if you want to book your call with me, click the link below!


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