Do you possess the master key to riches?

Issue 14

In this weeks Donnelly Mindset, I’m going to share with you the master key to riches. This involves twelve steps, and has some of the greatest lessons from Napoleon Hill.

Some of you might know who he is. Before you continue reading, if you don’t know him, do a quick google search then come back and finish this newsletter, theres going to be some juicy info that might just change your life!

Napoleon Hill was well known for “Think and Grow Rich” where he studied the lives of 500 self-made millionaires. He’s done all the work so me and you don’t have too. There are some key lessons in the book, I highly recommend reading it. He’s one of the greatest self help authors in history.

  1. PMA (Positive mental attitude)

Do you have a positive attitude most of the time?

I know this can seem hard to master. But it’s vital that you do, because when times get hard, you’ll always be able to get through any situation life throws at you.

  1. Sound physical health 

Are you taking care of your health?

I know it’s important for us to work hard, look after family/children and build businesses but is it really worth it, if we’re not looking after our physical health?

I’ve been there myself around 5 years ago. I prioritised making money over looking after health, working 17 hours a day. It was all getting too much. Looking back at it now, I would never put myself in that position again.

Remember without sound physical health we have nothing. There’s no point in becoming successful/wealthy and not being able to enjoy it, because you’ve neglected your health for years leading to disease/sickness.

  1. Harmony in all human relationships

Is there harmony in all the relationships in your life?

It starts from within, when you find peace and harmony from within yourself , your relationships will reflect this, leading to a happier and more successful life.

  1. Freedom from fear

“No man who fears anything is a free man!”

Let that sink in…

Whilst you have feelings of fear, you’ll never have freedom.

Write a list of your current fears, then actually look at the deeper reason behind this fear.

For myself I believe you have to tackle fears head on, the more you face your fears, the easier it becomes each time.

My biggest fear was when I was a kid. I was terrified of heights. Fast forward 20 years later, I went on to drive one of the tallest tower cranes in London (800 ft).

How did I overcome my fear?

I faced it head on. I remember applying for the job, and thinking what am I doing? I got the job, then straight away in the first week of training I had to climb a 90ft tower that sways in the wind. When I got up there, I was so uncomfortable, I was gripping on to whatever I could get my hands on to keep me steady. Even though I was feeling this way, I persisted and continued to stick with it. After a few weeks of doing this it became pretty normal. I discovered that it was a lot easier to get over my fear, by facing it each day rather than running away from it.

Is there a fear that’s currently holding you back?

Send me an email or DM, if you would like to discuss your fear and the beliefs around it and how we can overcome them together.

  1. Hope of achievement

Do I need to explain this one?

I think not. If you have no hope what’s the point in having goals, you may as well quit now. Always have hope, believe in your goals. You can achieve anything you want to.

“The man who has hope will never quit”

  1. The capacity for faith

“Faith is the connecting link between the conscious mind of man and the great universal reservoir of infinite intelligence.”

You have to have faith!

Ideas always start in the mind. When you have faith, these ideas will then start to develop and materialise.

  1. Willingness to share ones blessings

When we share our blessings with others, it brings us happiness.

How could you be successful, but not share it with those who are closest to you?

The reason we want to be successful is to help those around us. Nothing beats helping loved ones and those closest to us.

When you give to others without expecting back, the more that will come back to you. It’s the universal law of giving.

  1. A labour of love 

Do you love what you do?

“There can be no richer man than he who has found a labour of love and who is busily engaged in performing it, for labour is the highest form of human expression of desire.”

If you don’t feel this way about the career, business or side hustle your building, you may have not found the right path suited to your abilities. Be open and if you feel your heading in the wrong direction, take control and U-turn it’s never too later to change direction.

We’re only here for a short time. Love what you do and make a difference in the world.

  1. An open mind on all subjects

Keep an open mind at all times, you can learn from anyone. Having an open mind is the only way to become truly educated.

Remember you do not know everything, even if you think you do!

I know we all have that one friend that thinks they know everything but trust me they don’t.

Always stay humble. Help people when you can and be open to listening to someone if they have something to say. You never know what valuable lesson you may learn from them.

Keeping an open mind will prepare you for the greater riches of life.

  1. Self-discipline

“The man who is not the master of himself may never become the master of anything”

Self-discipline is vital if you want long lasting success.

The best way to become self-disciplined is to create a good routine. Start with the basics, get the right amount of sleep you need, set the same time to get up each morning, exercise and eat well. Getting these right will allow you to become more disciplined in other areas of your life.

The more you practice, the easier it’ll become. Over time you will master the art of being self-disciplined.

  1. The capacity to understand people

Understand yourself first to understand others.

There are nine basic motives of life;

The emotion of love, sex, anger, fear, the desire for material gain, the desire for self-preservation, the desire for freedom body and mind, the desire for self expression and the desire for perpetuation of life after death.

Understand these basic motives of life which all friendships and relationships are built on, you’ll then have the capacity to understand others.

Becoming better at understanding others will help you in your career, business and day to day life.

  1. Economic security

This is one we are all after. We all want to be secure financially and not have to worry and to make sure we can provide for our loved ones. When there’s no worries of how the bills are going to get paid, life’s great, stress free and we’re able to explore our creative side of life or simply spend time doing the things we love.

Lastly, I’m going to leave you with one final quote.

“Economic security is not attained by money alone. It is attained by the service one renders, for useful service may be converted into all forms of human needs, with or without the use of money.”

Focus on the service you offer and the value you can give. Do this to attract riches and have the economic security that you wish to have.

Do you feel you have mastered all of these?

I know I certainly haven’t but I’m almost there, I will continue to implement these as long as I live.

If you feel you have not mastered these, write them down and look at how you can start to master all of the above. You’ll notice you are stronger in some of the areas and weaker in others. Look at how you can make changes in your day to day life, so that you are following and implementing these twelve rules.

Once you’ve mastered these twelve steps, you’ll be well on your way to creating the life you desire and riches will be a by product of your success!

Thanks for reading.

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