Do the hard things

Issue 22

Do the hard things?

You’re probably thinking what am I talking about?

Do the hard things even when you don’t want too.

Feeling tired and you don’t want to go to the gym, push yourself to go you’ll feel better for it. This can also relate to spending time on your side hustle, I know we all live busy lives now days but make time to do the things you love and that make you feel good too.

Doing the hard things when we don’t want to or challenges that make us feel uncomfortable is how we become great and grow from our experiences, we ultimately go on to lead a better life.

I’ll share with you a quick story.

So I’m currently working on a coaching programme and speaking to a large group doesn’t come naturally to me. But I understand, the only way for me to become great at it, is to push myself out of my comfort zone.

Facing a challenge that is difficult for me is how I continue to grow. I want to become a coach and I know this is how I can become better at coaching others, Doing this will enable me to help as many people as possible to live a better life. I will continue to practice speaking in front of a group and one to one sessions.

You should face difficult challenges as this will help you build mental toughness, this will benefit you in all aspects of life. Life doesn’t get easier, you just become more skilled and better equipped to handle situations.

So the next time you find yourself in a challenging situation or you have the opportunity to put yourself in an uncomfortable situation, go for it! You’ll thank yourself for it. Life’s too short to be worrying about what might happen or what could happen. The only way to get good at something is by taking action and tackling the challenges you encounter.

I’ll share with you a quote, “Most people tiptoe their way through life, hoping they.make it safely to death.” Are you tipoeing or are you really living? - Earl Nightingale.

Really think about that quote and how that makes you feel. I know it makes me feel like I have to push my comfort zones more and take more risks so I’m able to live life on my own terms.

Do not tip toe your way safely to death! Every single person reading this is better than that. Do the hard things, push the comfort zone boundaries, become great at what you do and start living the life you dream of.


Thanks for reading, see you next week :)

If you want to book your call with me, click the link below!